Historic Landscapes
Our firm has extensive experience in helping preserve, protect, and interpret historic sites and cultural landscapes. Our clients include private owners, municipalities across the southeast, and federal sites throughout the continental US and Puerto Rico. Our firm provides services such as the production of Cultural Landscapes Reports and HALS (Historic American Landscapes Survey) documentation as well as design solutions intended to be sustainable and compatible with culturally significant sites.
Historic image of Mitchelville located on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Photo courtesy of Library of Congress.
Cultural Landscape Reports, Cultural Landscape Inventories, and Historic American Landscapes (HALS) Documentation
Our current work includes an on-call contract with the National Park Service to document and protect cultural resources throughout the United States. Projects include cultural landscape reports and inventories, materials analysis studies, and construction document development for historic landscapes.
Lincoln Home in Springfield, Illinois
Caw Caw Interpretive Center, Ravenel, SC, photo by Lee Anne White
Mccleod Plantation, Charleston County, SC. photo by Lee Anne White