Historic Preservation
WLA Studio has decades of experience in determining the historic significance of the built environment, such as buildings, historic districts, landscapes, and scenic corridors. Our firm offers National Register of Historic Places eligibility recommendations for these resources, which guides treatment and protection of the resource. Our firm can guide clients through documentation including Section 106 compliance processes.
Historic Resource Surveys
Historic resources surveys collect and record information about existing historic resources, usually on a county-wide, city-wide, or neighborhood-wide basis. Our firm assists governments in undertaking surveys for their communities. These documents are completed according to standards and parameters outlined by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Government entities use the final document to support local designations of buildings, and districts, expedite environmental review, aid in preservation and land-use planning, and increase awareness of, and interest in, a community’s historic resources. Surveys may include inventory of buildings and historic sites. Our firm has completed these surveys for communities across the southeast.
Historic Structure Reports
Our firm produces Historic Structure Reports (HSRs) for private, public, and non-profit entities. These reports serve as the primary redecoration and treatment document for a historic building. Recent and current HSR projects are at Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park and Isle Royale National Park.
Tax Incentive Projects
Federal and State Governments offer tax incentive programs for the substantial renovation and rehabilitation of Historic Properties. For successful projects, the incentives offer considerable savings in income tax and property tax payments after the completion of the project. Our firm has worked on numerous projects using these tax incentives and has assisted and guided owners and developers through the process.
Former location of Waynesboro high school, rehabilitated to Waynesboro senior residences, Burke County, Georgia.